Google ads: Google Ads Copywriting – How to Write Headlines and Descriptions That Convert

Google ads can help your business expand to new audiences while demonstrating the worth of its product or service, but crafting conversion-centric headlines and descriptions may prove challenging.

Therefore, it’s essential that your products and services emphasise their benefits, with IF functions providing unique calls-to-action based on devices or audiences.

What is Google Ads Copywriting?

Google ads copywriting involves crafting text that engages readers and compels them to click your ad, leading them down the conversion funnel and eventually leading to conversions. It requires having an in-depth knowledge of an industry and keyword usage and being adept at crafting strong calls-to-action that engage users.

Establishing clear campaign goals and objectives is the cornerstone of effective Google ad copywriting, as this will determine your ad format, targeting options, bidding strategy and bidding strategy. Google provides several ad campaign types including search ads, display ads, shopping ads and app promotion ads to choose from.

Google ads should also emphasise the distinctive benefits of your product or service, for instance highlighting features that distinguish it from competitors such as an easily adjustable return policy or fast shipping times.

Make sure that the Google ad copy accurately reflects what is said on your landing page, otherwise mismatched messaging could annoy target audiences and could cause Google to suspend your campaign until corrected. Furthermore, test various sets of copy and ad extensions such as Google Ad Modifiers in order to select those with optimal performance for maximum effectiveness allowing you to optimise your ad for maximum results.

Keyword Research

Keyword analysis is one of the key components of an SEO campaign, ensuring you target search terms people use when looking for your product or service and discovering relevant terms to add into both paid search ads and organic SEO search campaigns.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner and WordStream’s free Keyword Tool offer two powerful keyword research tools, providing lists of suggested keywords with their monthly search volume and cost per click (CPC) metrics – key indicators to deciding whether or not pursuing a particular search term is worthwhile.

Understand the intent behind every keyword is also key for creating effective Google ads copywriting, for instance: “wedding cakes” has different intent than “buy wedding cake in Boston”. Knowing your target audience’s true goals will enable you to write more captivating ad copy.

Keep a regular tab on your Google Ads performance, to monitor how your ads are faring and to identify any that aren’t generating results. This way, you’ll have an accurate idea of which ones work and can eliminate those which don’t.

When creating Google Ads, make sure your target keywords are featured prominently in the headline, description and display URL of the ad. This will make your ad more noticeable and increase its likelihood of being clicked – plus they’ll show up contextually relevant searches!

Benefits of Google Ads Copywriting

Google Ads copywriting can be an invaluable way of increasing click-through rates, improving quality scores and ultimately saving money on unqualified clicks. Furthermore, using ad extensions such as sitelinks or structured snippets provides users with additional information relevant to their search queries.

Keep this in mind when writing copy for your ads: users come to Google seeking a specific solution or answer, and it is your job as an advertiser to ensure that the ad copy mirrors this search intent.

To achieve this goal, it is imperative that you are direct and concise when writing Google text ads. With only around 30 characters at your disposal for expressing your message effectively, ensure the most vital parts are present.

Use numbers or statistics in your ad copy to add depth and authority, making your ad feel more trustworthy, increasing conversions or leads.

Testing different types of Google ads copywriting is always recommended in order to see which works best, paying particular attention to how keywords perform and which ads have the highest click-through rates – this will give a clear indication of what works and what doesn’t.

Call to Action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are vitally important in driving Google ads users. A strong call to action should be clear and specific, and should align with the campaign’s value proposition or unique selling point – for instance, healthcare-related businesses might promote “free consultations” as an attractive offer in their ad copy to generate leads.

Google ads with compelling messaging and clear calls-to-action can significantly boost click-through rates (CTR) and overall Google ad performance, due to aligning themselves with customer search intent, ultimately helping improve Quality Score and rank.
